Neck And Shoulder Pain With Horrible Vertigo.Took Amoxicillian And Bonine. Report Said Muscousal Thickening In Sphenoid Sinus
Thanks for writing to H.C.M. for your query.
I have gone through your clinical history after considering all aspect of your problems, it appears that you have vertigo possibly due to vestibular origin. Since you have pain on back of neck, we should consider cervical spondylosis also in your disease process.
As you said that your C.T.scan indicates polyp in maxillary sinus and mucosal thickening in sphenoid sinus, all these findings are indicating sinusitis. But this little sinusitis usually does not produce vertigo. Truly speaking, sinusitis is when quite severe than it causes post nasal drip and thus sore throat develop. Infection from throat reaches to ear via Eustachian tube and thus vertigo may appear therefore in your case vertigo is possibly BPPV.
This BPPV is a self limiting and is due to vestibular insufficiency. Here spontaneous recovery takes place and this usually takes 2 to 3 weeks time. The same time you may take anti vertigo drugs like cinnarizine or betahistine along with some vestibular rehabilitation exercise after the consultation with your ENT doctor.
Though you have already being investigated by C.T.scan and complete blood testing but now there appears the need of vestibular function test in your case these tests are being done by ENT doctor, and this test will confirm the above possible diagnosis.
I hope in this way you will be vertigo free.
With Regards.