Noticed Blood Pressure 140/80. Concerned?

1. High blood pressure or hypertension is a disease of being human. As the age increases the percentage of people in society with hypertension increases. Blood pressure varies with our mental and physical stress. As we do exercise or we are mentally tensed it increases but decreases during sleep. So it is important that under what circumstances it was checked? I would like to share a few important things in this regard.
A. Before telling someone that he or she suffers from high blood pressure, we have to be sure about it. Blood pressure should be high on a number of occasions over a period of time, measured in proper conditions. It should be measured 2-3 times a week , for 3-4 weeks and majority of the readings should be higher than 140/90 mmHg (provided you do not have diabetes & kidney disease & there is no evidence of pre-existing end-organ damage). It should preferably be measured at same time of day and patient should be relaxed and not under any kind of stress, should not have smoked or taken tea or coffee for at least one hour.
B. Once established, life style modification and drug therapy should be started. Although Should drugs be given for a level of 145/80 will be debatable. Life style modifications include optimization of weight (a body mass index of ~23), low salt intake, DASH diet plan, Daily exercise, meditation, stop smoking & moderation of alcohol intake.
C. If initial few readings are high the doctor should also simultaneously look for evidence of end organ damage by getting ECG, Chest x-ray, ultrasound of abdomen and blood investigations.
In your case, first of all it is important to establish that you really have high blood pressure and then rest of things will follow. However you must start acting on all the life style modifications as detailed above. (I assume you do not have any symptoms like chest pain or shortness of breath on exertion or swelling feet)
Feel free to discuss further.

Thanks for the reply.
However, things are not sounding good. My pressure on Wednesday at 1.00pm was 145/80, Thursday when I went to the doctor for blood test, he took my blood and tested again at 10am it was 160/90. The doctor said it could be because he has just taken my blood. But yesterday on Friday I went back to him, to get my blood test results and when he measured my pressure at 6.30pm it was still sitting at 160/90.
It is true that I am under a lot of stress, too much of work stress. I have been eating out for the past 3months, spend hours working on computers with 0 exercise. And I think if I put my pedometer on, I would hardly have 1000 steps recorded in a day. I sleep a lot.
Maybe after Wednesday I have got more anxious, I'm just thinking about this. I never thought I would be hypertensive. Everyone regarded me as an active person. And I now feel that the pressure reading in April was not coincidental when it showed 150/80. I was visting family back home and was driving around like mad everyday and hardly had 4 hours sleep each night. I was just doing too much! So the doctor said its normal nothing to worry, you are too young to have hypertension.
Anyway, symptoms since Thursday are, I feel as if I have mild fever, slight tightness in chest.
Anyway as for my blood report, the following were the alarming figures which suggested iron deficiency and high cholesterol:
1) TRF was 3.9 (normal range 2.0 - 3.7)
2) TIBC was 90 (normal range 45-80)
3) Ferr was 14 (normal range 15-200)
4) Vit D was 16 (normal range 25-139)
5) Chol was 6.3 (normal range 3.1-5.5)
6) LDL was 3.7 (normal range 0 - 3.5)
7) TP was 87 (normal range 62-82)
8) GLB was 44 (normal range 23-38)
I'm willing to do anything but I dont want to take medication. What can I do, so that I eliminate hypertension from occuring again forever.
I'm supposed to get married this year and I want to have a child soon after. Please help.
By the way, you said I should be aiming for BMI 23, which means my optimal weight should be 60kg based on my height of 5 feet 3 1/2 inches. My current weight is 72kg. What diet can you advice to bring my weight down so much. Btw, I'm a typical Punjabi who loves her dal roti. Please advice.
Thanks for the details.
1. I would like to reiterate that ideal blood pressure readings have to be taken under stress free circumstances as I elaborated before; else we will be mislead.
2. One can have hypertension at any age; very well at age of 38 years. I am afraid that this guarantee can not be given that hypertension will be eliminated from your life.
3. Yes, being of Indian origin your desired BMI should be 23 and weight around 60Kg. Try to bring it down to at least 65 (BMI~25) first and then to 60 Kg. You have to do exercise under supervision of your physician and take a weight reducing diet plan from your dietitian. A DASH diet plan includes lot of vegetables & fruits; whole grains; non-fat or low fat dairy products, nuts, low salt, high fiber, high content of calcium, potassium, magnesium and low to moderate amount of unsaturated fats. You can continue to take Daal-roti with a bit of modifications like avoiding any fat/ghee/oil in daal and on roti.
4. Definitely you have to change your life style to optimize work hours and find time for relaxation, sleep, exercising and meditation if you wish to lead a healthy life.
5. You should see your physician for chest discomfort and fever on priority. This may also be contributing to current high blood pressure as I detailed in my first answer.
6. Regarding your investigations, Please tell me the full form of item no. 7 and 8. I hope it is total protein and globulin. Still I need confirmation from your side. I also wish to know
---your HDL cholesterol levels
---If you smoke?
--- If you have Diabetes?
---If there is any blood relative with heart attack/angina? If yes, at what age they begin to have it?
All these are important before I elaborate on your lipid levels.
7. Please start the life style modifications as advised.
Waiting for your mail with details.

To answer your questions:
1)your HDL cholesterol levels - 2.1 mmol/L
2) you smoke?--- No
3) If you have Diabetes? --- No. FAsting Glocose Level was 5.2 (range 3.0 - 5.5)
4) If there is any blood relative with heart attack/angina? - Dad had heart attack
5) If yes, at what age they begin to have it? - Dad had first hear attack when he was 64 years old.
1. Your target LDL cholesterol is ~160 mg% and your actual LDL is 143, hence within normal limits. Your HDL and VLDL cholesterol are also within permissible limits. However your total cholesterol is high but it is due to high HDL (good cholesterol) so need not worry.
2. Your iron profile suggests iron deficiency. If you have anemia too (low hemoglobin) then it may contribute to your high blood pressure. You need to get full work-up to ascertain reason for this deficiency and get treatment.
3. You need to correct low vitamin D levels too. If feasible try to expose yourself for sometime in sun daily. You get in touch with your local physician for appropriate medication.
4. Your total protein and globulin are fine.
Hope this helps.
please feel free to write if there is anything else.

My Hb is in normal range 136 (range of 119-165). Full blood count is normal.
Despite cholesterol being fine, and iron deficiency not directly linked to the issue. What could be the cause of the elevation in blood pressure?
I am going on a diet at the moment and should loose 2kg by Wednesday. Will measure the pressure again then.
If it is established that you have hypertension or persistent high blood pressure, then medical sciences do not know the cause for same in ~ 95% cases and it is called "essential or idiopathic hypertension". Your doctors, after examining you, may choose to conduct tests to find out a cause for hypertension (from the category of causes prevalent in remaining 5% patients).

I sincerely hope that it will settle down more, if you concentrate on life style modification.
All the best.
Warm regards

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