Noticed Bump On Penis Shaft. Any Idea What This Might Be?
Thanks for posting your query.
The picture shows few raised cystic swellings over the shaft of penis and your symptoms are presenting without any itching or pain, persisting for months and one has already subsided spontaneously without treatment.
The possibilities are Molluscum contagiosum or some non infectious cysts from your skin. If you are a immuno-compromised individual then some other condition like Cryptococcus, Histoplasmosis skin lesion could be considered.
Molluscum contagiosum could be transmitted due to sexual route also. It is easier to be treated.
Sexually transmitted Genital Herpes is not a possibility as it could not persist as vesicles for months together.
You could approach a dermatologist and he/she will help in this regard. Other conditions need a biopsy of skin to arrive at a diagnosis. As of now, there is nothing you should be worried about.
Wish you a speedy recovery.
Dr S. Murugan
Thanks for writing back.
Yes, of course Molluscum Contagiosum can be well transmitted other than sexually. Just close skin to skin contact is necessary. It is more common among children over their face and other parts of body in their school going age.
But when it occurs over genitals, it usually transmitted through sexual route.
Let me know if you have more questions. Else please close this discussion.
Good luck to you.
Dr S.Murugan