Noticed Dark Circular Bump Near Urethra. Having Burning Sensation After Urination. What To Do?
I note your detailed history with interest but it does not state how long this lesion has been there, when it started & the evolution of the same.
I have looked at the photograph (that is a touch blurry am afraid) & it is suggestive of some sort of 'balanitis' or inflammation state. This may have a variety of causes most commonly a fungal infection &/or 'friction' related. It may have to do with your sexual practices, which again have not been detailed.
You may try a topical cream containing a cortisone-antifungal combination that your local chemist could help you out with. I find plenty of water/fluids will help you flush out any mild urethral infection or burning sensation.
The gas, belching et al may be some sort of gastric discomfort unrelated but both this & the pimples may respond to a simple antibiotic called metronidazole. Please get it prescribed by your Good Luck.
Dr Praveen Rodrigues MD Dermatologist & Venereologist, Bangalore, India