Noticed Red Patch On Eyelid, Itchy Skin On Back And Leg, Sore Throat And Headache. Any Cure?
Dont worry about the red patch.
From your description & clinical history, they all appear to be 'petechiae' & 'reactive' pattern to an underlying 'viral' or 'bacterial' infection in your throat.
Might i suggest a throat swab be taken & sent for analysis & to ascertain if any foci of infection present in your tonsillar region that may be responsible for the repeated sore throat infections. Once this is addressed, your skin issues will settle down. In the interim, i would advice you plenty of warm oral fluids to keep hydrated, warm saline throat gargles three times/daily before & after meals & an antihistamine fexofendaine 180mg to give you symptomatic relief vis-a-vis the itch till the main issue is sorted out.
Cheers & wish you Godd Health & a quick recovery!!
Dr Praveen Rodrigues MD