Noticed Sore And Swollen Lymph Nodes On Neck. Should I Be Concerned?
I woke up two days ago with several very sore/swollen lymph nodes on my neck. One is back behind my right ear near the hairline. Another is on the right side of my neck in the middle area then I have another one on the front of my neck near my collar bone. Should I be concerned about this? I have no fever and other than feeling very fatigued show no signs of being sick.
acute development of lymph nodes is usually associated with viral disease. Usually there is an associated fever. The commonest viral infections is a disease called infectious mononucleosis. Tiredness is a usual accompanying sign.
However, other infectious, inflammatory or tumoral conditions could also lead to lymph node enlargement. A physical examination to ascertain whether there is a local infection around the drainage zone of these lymph nodes. Lymph node enlargement due to bacterial infection is usually painful of tender.
However, when its a tumour of inflammatory or tumoural origin, the enlargement is usually slow.
Its important for screening for common viral infectious like those for infectious mononucleosis and possibly HIV. Associating these blood tests with a physical examination leads to a more definitive diagnosis and management. I would suggest you visit your primary care physician for an appropriate physical exam, diagnosis and management.
Hope this helps. Feel free asking further questions if need be.
Best regards and pray this helps.
Luchuo, MD.
I think its ok if you have an ENT rendez vous. I am convinced he shall be of much help. You need not bother going to the emergency room. But as you wait for your appointment, in case something unusual, high fevers, pain or aggravation of the pains. But if nothing extra happens, its ok waiting for your appointment.
Hope this helps. Will be honored answering any further questions if need be,
Thanks and best regards,
Luchuo, MD.
the clinical scenario is beginning to change as I said. Intensification of the swelling and the tenderness is setting. This therefore actually warrants visiting the Emergency room for a clinical examination for a keen physical examination. Absence of fever points towards a viral origin, but some bacterial species, especially because of the pain, could also be implicated.
I suggest you visit the emergency room. If the germ were really that infectious, the others would have certainly been already been infected by now. However, its still a good idea to be cautious, maintain rules of general hygiene especially when coughing and maybe try to stay away from them as much as possible, till agent and symptoms get under control.
Visiting the emergency room for tests for infectious mononucleosis, complete blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, serum uric acid levels, lymph node biopsy, chest X XXXXXXX C reactive protein and other Viroses like HIV or tumoral source to be run. This might guide prescription of of antibiotics and analgesics as you wait for your appointment.
I suggest you be cautious and visit the emergency physician.
Thanks and best regards as I wish you the best of health,
Luchuo, MD.