Noticed Twinge In Lower Back. Abdomen Feels Sore. Took Windeze. Suggest?
This morning after my shower i noticed a twinge in my lower back, but it feels more XXXXXXX When i sit it really hurts when i try to stand up. I feel like I cannot straighten up until the pain eases a bit. my abdomen feels a bit sore too.
i don't think I am due a period for another 2 weeks but thought it could be my womb so took some anti inflams but nothing. I am now lying on my bed and struggle t get up out of this too..
I am hoping/thinking it could be trapped wind. I took windeze a couple of hrs ago but no changes yet,
Kindly take antacid + anti spasmodics
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
The symptoms as mentioned in your post suggest that the pain is due to muscular spasm.
Symptomatic relief can be obtained by intake of antacids like Pantoprazole (to be taken half an hour before food) & anti spasmodics like Dicyclomine preparation (to be taken after food).
It is better to avoid anti inflammatory agents as it will cause irritation of stomach mucosa & may aggravate the symptoms.
If symptoms still persist, it will be better to consult your General Physician & get a proper clinical examination done.
Investigation like Ultrasound scan of Abdomen & Pelvis will be helpful to rule out any pathological cause for the symptoms.
There is no need to worry, you will be fine.
Please let me know if I can clarify further.
Wishing a good health.
Take care.