Numbness On Face, Tightness On Throat, Burning Sensation On Back And Stomach Gurgling. Required Treatment?
Certain foods can stimulate acid secretion from the stomach, therefore can give you a burning sensation in your stomach area and even in your chest if the acid refluxes into your esophagus.
If these episodes of pain occur frequently you should look into modifying your diet: you should avoid or minimize tomatoes, coffee, alcohol, mints, chocolate, spices, smoking cigarrettes.
Regarding your back pain it could be either something related to your muscles, kidney or pancreas. A physical examination by a doctor would help determine the cause.
The tingling sensation and numbness in your face plus the sore throat seems its all from tue allergic reaction to shrimp that you described from last night.
You can consult with a doctor to see if an anti acid medication may be indicated.
Hope that helps!
i think i mislabeled my issues, since there is no pain in my stomach, it is just gurgling.