On Ciprodex And Naprosyn For Otitis Externa. Have Swelling In Ear With Discharge. What To Do?
Thanks for writing to H.C.M. for your query.
I have gone through your query regarding infection in your ear (otitis externa) which is having large dischrge and quite painful. It is not responding well to treatment you are taken.
Here I would like to suggest you some investigations which are necessary for proper management. These are-
(a) Blood -CBC, blood sugar -F. & P.P.
(b) Culture and sensitivity of ear pus.
(c) X-Ray of your diseased ear in Shuller's view.
Till the results of investigations are awaited you can take-
(1) Antibiotic - Amoxicilin 625 mg three times a day. After the culture report this may be change according to report.
(2) Anti inflammatory analgesic- Like combination of Diclofenac 50 mg and Serratiopeptidase 10 mg twice a day.
(3) Keep your ear clean and dry by cotton swab than put ear drop preferably having combination of antibiotic, anti fungal and steroids.
I hope this will help you.