On Zoloft 150 Mg And Klonopin .5 Mg For Anxiety. Having Pain In Shoulder And Arms. Any Advice?
For past few months I have had pain in my shoulder and both upper arms, mainly left.
I have no weakness, or atrophy in either arm. This week I have had a few episodes of muscle twitching in my left arm above inner elbow crease. Twitching as lasted from 10 min on and off to a few hours.
I am very nervous about ALS. I know it could be my anxiety and since I have no weakness/atrophy it is probably ok, but wanted the advice. Thank you very much!
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It is much more often due to more benign causes (Benign fasciculation syndrome (BFS), over-exertion, etc.), and virtually everyone will experience some episodes of benign fasciculation during their lifetime. Some degree of control of the fasciculations may be achieved with the same medication used to treat essential tremor (beta-blockers and anti-seizure drugs). However, often the most effective approach to treatment is to treat any accompanying anxiety.
I think it is nothing, you are just anxious. It can be due to over exertion and i don't think you need worry much. I best advice for you is to calm down and relax.
Again the pain may also be due to over exertion or due to bad posture i advice you to see physiotherapist.
Twitching can also be caused by electrolyte imbalance, for that you can test you electrolytes. If the symptom persists or increases i advice you to see physician for examination and exact diagnosis.
Hope I have provided the information you needed.
Wish you good health. Take care.