Operated For Patella Dislocation. Diagnosed With Hypertension. Taking Alphadopa. Can This Cause Problems In Conceiving?
I have been operated on both my legs (knees) - at different times- although for the same problem of patella dislocation (right leg in 1997 and left leg in 2007) and am completely alright now. I got married in May 2007 and was on oral contraceptives for a year after that.
In August 2008, due to severe headache in the back side of my head, I went to my local doctor and when my BP was checked, it was very high at 180/110 and 170/100 over two readings. I was asked to monitor my BP regularly for a week and a medicine called concur 5mg was prescribed. After a week the BP readings were down to 140-150/90. My doctor prescribed a host of tests including blood tests, thyroid tests, urine analysis, sonography of pelvis and abdomen and everything was normal. I also underwent a 24 hour urine test which was normal. However, BP readings continued to be in this range and hence the medication was changed to stamlo beta 5 mg which I was asked to take one tablet every day. After taking this tablet, my BP had been 120/80 or 130/80 regularly for a couple of years.
I have gained weight in the past 3 years – about 5-6 kgs in 3 years and also went through a stressful phase during the first few months of my marriage due to some adjustment issues. I am 5 feet 6 inches tall but I weigh 68 kgs as of now. Also, I have a very sedentary lifestyle with not much exercise. At the age of 50 my father was diagnosed with hypertension and has been on medication regularly ever since.
I have been on alphadopa 250 mg for thrice a day for the past year since we wanted to start a family. However, the sudden passing away of my father-in-law has delayed our planning. I am still on alphadopa and we are trying for a family. However, my BP remains around 140/90 and the doctor has advised to increase dosage to 4 times a day.
Can some one please tell me if aphadopa is a good medicine? And will I have problems in conception? And what are the implications and complications of having High BP for a pregnancy - before/during and post pregnancy. And some tips and suggestions please.
Please help! Thank you!
Alphadopa is the trade name for a drug called methydopa. It is the medication that is recommended to treat medications cannot be used in pregnancy because of the risk of complications to the baby.
It is not generally used outside of pregnancy and in women trying to conceive because there are other medications that work better but , as stated earlier, it is the safest during this time.
High blood pressure would not affect your ability to conceive but when you do conceive it is important that the blood pressure is controlled.
The complications before pregnancy are the same of anyone with hypertension- if it is uncontrolled there is a risk of damage to the kidneys and an increased risk of heart disease
In terms of pregnancy, there is increased risk of preeclampsia and placental abruption.
Preeclampsia is a condition that can affect the liver, kidney and lead to increased risk of bleeding. If your blood pressure is controlled then it will not occur.
Placental abruption is one of the causes of bleeding,it occurs when the placenta separates from the lining of the womb. Again the chances are decreased with good bp control
To control your blood pressure you would need to take your medication as prescribed, avoid salt, reduce your use of sodas and juices and exercise at least 150 mins a week .
There is a diet called the DASH diet that is recommended for persons with high blood pressure.
Information is available on the different aspects on line
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions