Pacitane 2mg, Risdone 2 Mg, Not Able To Ejaculate.
Age : 26 yrs
Height : 5 feet 6 inches
Weight :70
My doctor prescribed me medicines for my treatment, namely, PACITANE 2mg, RISDONE 2mg.
I am taking these medicines for over a month now.
My main query is, as i started taking these tablets, I am not able to Ejaculate semen while masturbation. As i masturbate, ejaculation has totally stopped.
Is this normal while taking these medicines ?
Thanks for the query.
The important aspects of your query are:
• Age 26 years
• Receiving treatment with: Risdone 2mg and Pacitane 2mg for 1 month
• Inability to ejaculate after starting treatment with the above medications.
This condition may be because of retrograde ejaculation.
Retrograde ejaculation occurs when semen which normally gets ejaculated via the urethra, is redirected to the urinary bladder. This happens because generally the sphincter of the bladder contracts before ejaculation forcing the semen to exit via the urethra. When the bladder sphincter does not function properly, retrograde ejaculation occurs.
Although retrograde ejaculation is rare side effect of Risdone (Risperidone); a few cases have been reported all over world. If your problem started after starting these medications, especially 'Risdone' than yes, this might be the side effect of it. Often such side effects are temporary and should resolve in some days.
I suggest you these two measures:
• Do not stop your medicine yourself. Otherwise your symptom may return. You need replacement of drug and not complete avoidance of Risdone.
• Inform about this to your psychiatrist so that he can change your medicine.
My final message to you is Worry less; Seek consultation to change medicine as early as possible.
Hope this answers your query. In case of any doubt, I will be available for follow ups.
Wishing you good health.