Pain In Legs, Forearms, Cramps In Hands. On Bystolic Medication. Pain Due To Medication?
Thanks for posting your query.
Your present calcium and vitamin d levels are within normal limits.
The normal range for calcium being 9 to 11 your level is neither low or high.
The vitamin d levels range from 20 to 56 ng/ml so thats within normal range too.Optimal levels are considered to be near 50 , so you can continue your vitamin d supplement.
The betablocker Bystolic causes minor sideeffects like dizziness, headache, fatigue, diarrhoea.sometimes it may cause parasthesias which are pricking or tingling sensations or numbness felt anywhere in your body.
It is not known to cause such muscle aches and pains.
So your symptoms dont seem to correlate with either of the three.
For confirmation of diagnosis its advisable to consult your physician who can determine any systemic illness or musculoskeletal pathology after thorough examination and investigation.
As you just mentioned fibromyalgia in your medical history, I would say it is a more likely cause of such pain need to get it treated if your doctor confirms the diagnosis.
Please do not worry as stress itself may aggravate your symptoms.
I understand your health concern and would suggest a early clinical evaluation rather than wait and watch option.
Hope I have answered your query.