Pain In Liver Area, Back Pain, Dizziness, Nausea, High Cholesterol. Treatment ?
Thank you for your query.
I can say that from the information you provided I think you may have a mild degree of gastritis or esophagitis. This is an inflammation of the stomach and or esophagus that is quite common. It can cause symptoms of abdominal pain below the breast bone or sometimes along the right upper abdomen. A less likely cause of your symptoms would be a gallstone in your gallbladder.
I would recommend the following: Obtain some omeprazole (Prilosec) which is available at your pharmacy or drug store. Start taking this twice daily - once with breakfast and once with dinner. Take it twice daily for one week and then once a day after that with breakfast for two weeks and see how things go.
Gastritis or esophagitis can cause nausea as well and sometimes dizziness as you describe. Change your diet to a more bland one - bread, rice, toast, applesauce and the like for the next few days while the Prilosec goes to work. The prilosec will lower the acid content of your stomach and will help heal any inflamed areas.
If you develop vomiting or fevers I would like you to see your physician immediately or report to the ER.
I hope my answer to your query has been adequate and informative. If you have additional followup questions I am available to answer those as well.
I wish you all the best and good health.
Dr. Galamaga