Pain In Lower Abdomen Post Jumping. Pain On Movement, Sneezing, Coughing. Symptoms Of Nausea, Lack Of Sleep. Treatment For Abdominal Pain ?
Thanks for posting your query.
The most likely cause of the pain in lower abdomen aggravated after sitting or with sneezing seems to be due to the sore muscles . But it is always best to rule out any intra-abdominal pathologies with the help of a proper clinical examination and investigations like ultrasound under the guidance of your physician.
The other symptoms of tiredness and nausea might be suggestive of pregnancy (if your periods are overdue) or due to a generalized viral syndrome.
Mild bruising of the gut due to injury while playing might also be responsible for these symptoms.
Right now you can take antiemetics like domperidone (Tablet Bonine) twice a day and see if the symptoms improve.
If the symptoms do not improve and pregnancy is ruled out then you need to consult your physician for further evaluation.
I hope this answers your query effectively.
In case you have additional questions or doubts, you can forward them to me, and I shall be glad to help you out.
Wishing you good health.
However, I have lower back pain and am still very tired. I took a 2.5 hour nap yesterday, slept in until 10 a.m. today (which is very late for me) and I still feel tired after running errands all morning.
I'm not sure if it could be pregnancy. My fiance and I have a long-distance relationship so we don't see each other very often...maybe once a month for a few days. When we are together, we use the pull-out method for birth control. That has worked for us for the past year. However, on my last trip down there Oct. 11-15, he wasn't so sure that he pulled out in time a few times and on the 13th, he for sure didn't. I took a Plan B One step pill 24 hours later. I got a "period" on the 21st of October that only lasted a few days and was very very light and was early. I know that Plan B messes with your period, but is it possible that I could have gotten pregnant and the "period" I got was just the effects of the pill?
Today I'm having pains in my stomach and back that are similar to cramping. I suppose it could also just be the effects of the Plan B One Step. If I were to test, when could I test? My last period before the pill was September 23rd.
Thanks for writing again.
Pull out method is not an effective contraceptive technique. Even the initial secretions from the penis do contain some sperms.
Your period was light, lasting for few days could be due to hormonal disturbances following plan B use. But pregnancy needs to ruled out. You can do the urine for pregnancy test now.
If pregnancy is ruled out, it is probably muscle sore or viral syndrome causing the symptoms.
Consuming plenty of water, plenty of fruits / vegetables and proper sleep will help you in relieving your symptoms.
Hope my answer is helpful.