Pain In Testicles And Lower Abdomen After Intercourse
Thanks for the query.
The possibilities I can think of in your case are
1.Acute epididymitis/Acute epididymo-orchitis--- inflammation of the epididymis/testis.
along with symptoms of pain and swelling in the scrotal area.
2.Torsion of the testis---- (urological emergency) characterized by sudden ,severe pain in the scrotal area with swelling.Less likely in your case as the pain lasted a week.If it was torsion of testis ,you would have visited the doctor on day 1 itself.
3.Inguinal hernia
I would like to know some additional history.
1.Any history of fever with chills,nausea or vomiting?
2.Any history of painful/burning urination,increased frequency of urination or urgency?
3.How are your bowel habits?Any history of constipation /abdominal distension?
4.Any history of sexually transmitted disease in you /your partner?
5.Any history of urethral discharge?
I would suggest you to visit a Urologist at the earliest as he can subject you to a thorough physical examination and do the relevant tests.
He might ask you to do a
1.Urine routine & microscopy and culture & sensitivity.
2.WBC count to look for signs of infection
3.Urethral swab culture to look for chlamydia/gonorrhoea.
4.Test yourself and your partner for sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis ,HIV etc.
In the meantime, I advise you to abstain from intercourse.
Have warm water baths in a bath tub.
Awaiting your reply.
Have a great day.
Dr.Divya Kuttikrishnan