Pain In The Abdomen And Shoulder. Normal CAT Scan, Ultrasound. Endoscopy Shows Hiatus Hernia. Suggestions?
Right upper abdominal pain and shoulder pain usually signify a diaphragmatic irritation or a liver/ Gall bladder problem.
With a normal CAT scan, liver function tests the likely possibilities are -
1) A reflux disease - may be associated with hiatus hernia (which is present in your case)
2) Biliary dyskinesia - Liver function abnormalities and Ultrasound abnormalities are intermittent and foung only during pain.
3) A fatty liver and a penetrating ulcer if these are missed on the investigations.
Your symptoms could be due to Hiatus Hernia. Usually mild hiatus hernia can be treated conservatively. Only few cases needs surgical correction.
Get yourself examined by Gastroenterologist so that necessary treatment can be initiated.