Pain In The Head, Pulsing Sound In Ears, Back Pain. Serious Issue?
Thanks for the query.
It looks like you are suffering from an infection of the inner ear, most likely to be suppurative otitis media. That will explain the most symptoms you are facing right now.
I strongly recommend you to visit an ENT specialist for an examination to prevent complications.
For the pain you could take paracetamol and also start with an antibiotic like ciprofloxacin to take care of the infection. Please discuss about this with the doctor.
It does not sound like a headache or a migraine.
Avoid cold climate by putting mufflers. Avoid water from entering into the ear. For now, also avoid listening to loud music.
Have a speedy recovery. If there is any other doubt please let me know, I'll be happy to help.
Hope I have answered your query. Please accept my answer in case you do not have further queries.
Ear need not always pain and migraine usually will present with pain behind the eye and largely one sided especially to the side of the head.
Now coming to what structures are there behind and lower side of the head, it is the brain stem and the spinal cord.
The painful lesions there would be aneurysms and Cerebro-vertetbral junction anomalies. The best investigation for that would be MRI (Magnetic Resonant Imaging) brain with spine screening
Take care.