Pain In Thigh After Masturbation. Feeling Weakness, Bone Pain And Have Hair Loss. Any Solution?
Masturbation is a part of normal human sexual behaviour and is very common among young males in their young age. It does not have any bad effects on health and does not lead to any medical problems.
Some people have many wrong ideas about masturbation - that it causes ill effects on health like nervous weakness, reduced energy, etc. or sexual problems like impotence in the future. All this is not true and these are just myths and misconceptions.
So, the weakness and pain which you are experiencing in your thigh muscles is unlikely to be a consequence of your masturbation. It is possible that other medical causes like electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, vitamin or mineral deficiencies could be causing you this problem. You also say that you have other problems like back bone pain and hair fall. So, I would advise you to have a complete check up - including a detailed physical examination and other investigations to determine the cause of your multiple problems.
However, if you feel that your masturbation is excessive or difficult to control or interfering with your normal functioning, you can try the following suggestions:
- Firstly, keep your mind active and occupied at all times. Stop being idle. Idle time is not good and your mind will eventually wander away to sexual thoughts. So, find a new hobby or learn something new (like a new sport or a musical instrument); this will keep your mind form being idle and prevent developing these frequent sexual thoughts.
- Regular physical exercise is very important. You can join a gym or have your own exercise schedule. This will not only keep your body healthy but also keep your mind fresh.
- Make plans and goals for your future. You have to make short-term and long-term goals for your life and start working to achieve them. This will keep your mind foccussed and prevent your thoughts from getting scattered.
- Improve your social life. XXXXXXX friends and relatives, go for outings or group activities and keep yourself busy. If you keep staying alone in your room, you are more prone to engage in masturbation frequently.
- You can try yoga and meditation. This can help you develop a discipline of your mind and body and help you get a mastery over your thoughts.
- Remove anything which triggers you into a mood to masturbate. For example, clear your room of all pornographic material; if you access internet pornography, you can disconnect your internet connection, etc.
- Stop thinking and feeling guilty about this all the time. The more you think about it, the more compulsive it becomes. So, get rid of the guilt in your mind and keep your mind relaxed.
- If you feel that you need professional help, then please don't hesitate to consult a psychiatrist for further personal counselling.
Wish you all the best.
- Dr. Jonas Sundarakumar
Consultant Psychiatrist & Sexologist