Pain In Wrist, Cannot Lift Anything Or Bend It. Do I Need To See A Doctor?
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Do you experience any pain in the palm ? do you noted any swelling, high local temperature ? because your symptoms indicate nerve compression syndrome the arthritis. If your pain, discomfort, limitation in movement are associated with local numbness, tingling, burning and radiate to palm, thumb, middle finger then most suggestive for carpal tunnel syndrome. In such case you should wear wrist splitting, local anti inflammatory creams, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen . If these measures do not control symptoms , then you need consult the Doctor who will prescribe and will give an injection – mixture of an anesthetic + corticosteroid. All these measures will help.
I wish you good luck and speedy recovery,
Hope this helps and I have answered your query. If you have additional queries don’t hesitate to ask.
Best Regards,
If after three weeks under motrin , ice packs there no improvement and pain level is the same , then yes, definitely you need to see a Doctor for definitely diagnosis and treatment.
I wish you good luck and speedy recovery,
Hope this helps and I have answered your query. If you have additional queries don’t hesitate to ask.
Best Regards,