Painless Lump Under Chin, Definite Shape, Rubbery, Coldsores. Cancer?
Thank you for your query.
1. Small, firm, painless lumps under the chin are most likely to be enlarged sub-mental lymph nodes.
2. Sub-mental lymph nodes drain the lower lip, parts of the cheek, central teeth, floor of mouth, sub-mental salivary glands, tip of the tongue and lower central jaw.
3. Any local infection, such as cold sores, causes these glands to react and enlarge.
4. There are normally close to three hundred lymph nodes in the head and neck region of our bodies.
5. Normally, lymph nodes are not palpable, but after reacting to any infection or inflammation, they enlarge and then rarely return to their original size. Thereafter those affected nodes can always be felt as firm , rubbery lumps.
6. Isolated small, recent, painless lumps with no other complaints such as fever, pain, weight loss, fatigue or night sweats, should not be a serious issue.
7. At her age, the above signs and symptoms are unlikely to be cancer in any form.
You may mail the photograph/s (front of neck & neck profile) to YYYY@YYYY with subject: 'ATTN: Dr. Sumit Bhatti'.
If they are increasing in size or number, you should see a General Physician or Dermatologist to start medication which will easily control this condition. Mild infections are self limiting and may not require any treatment. Routine Blood tests, Neck USG (UltraSonoGraphy) and FNAC (Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology) may be done, accordingly, for example to rule out sub-mental salivary gland enlargement.
Anticipating your reply.
Wishing you all good health in the future.
Thanks for writing back.
Elaborating Point No. 5. in the explanation above:
Normally, lymph nodes are not palpable, but after reacting to any infection or inflammation, they enlarge (because of hyperplasia of the cortex and lymphoid follicles) and then rarely return to their original size. (even after the original cause has subsided). Thereafter those affected nodes can always be felt as firm, rubbery lumps.
Sub centimeter sized lymph nodes are considered benign and may remain palpable throughout life with no consequence.