Pale White Or Colorless Liquid Secreted With Urine, Remains While Cleaning Penis. Normal Or Infection Symptoms ?
Sometimes the morning before I go to piss I have a drop of either colorless or pale white (othertimes) small drop. During the day after piss I have liguid remains afterwards even if I clean my penis. Is it natural or it is some kind of gonorhea or chlamydia. I don't feel pain or anything else. If it is something like that is any natural antibiotic to combat it with my fiance.
Many many thanks in advance
Thanks for posting your query.
There is a small amount of colourless slightly sticky lubricating fluid which is normally secreted through urethra during sexual stimulation or may be emitted at other times too. This fluid is usually seen after puberty in boys. It is not semen, nor urine but a normal lubricating mucus.
However if you mean to say that apart from this, you are getting some other discharge starting recently then it warrants an evaluation by your doctor to rule out infection.
First of all if this liquid discharge has recently started, is related to urination rather than sexual excitement, and is sometimes pale white then it points more towards infection, bacterial, chlamydia, fungal or any sexually transmitted infection.
Your next query regarding treatment :
The treatment for sexually transmitted infections is always to be taken by both the partners preferably at the same time period.
The treatment may be antibiotics like azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, metronidazole or anti fungal like fluconazole or a combination therapy.
Any doctor wil not advise you a particular antibiotic without reaching to an appropriate diagnosis after thorough examination and investigation, if needed, like urine routine and culture test, renal profile tests etc. The doctor wil thus first try to determine the type of infection and proceed with the appropriate treatment.
Please do not try to self medicate as there are chances of persistence of infection or spread to the other parts of genitourinary tract if exact diagnosis and treatment are not done.
This is specially important for the female partner who may harbour infection sometimes without obvious symptoms and might pose a risk to her future fertility.
So, your problem as of now doesn't seem worrisome but as already mentioned above it warrants a visit to your doctor (physician) to rule out infection.
In the meantime try to drink plenty of water, maintain good genital hygiene and if you develop
any new symptoms like itching, burning or pain or bleeding during urination then seek immediate
As of now if the problem has persisted for more than a week then it won't resolve on its own or by any natural remedies, so get treated.
Hope I have answered your query.
I'll be available for any follow up queries.