Brief Answer:
It may be due to psychological causes.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to XXXXXXX
You are only 29 years old and your age doesn't support
erectile dysfunction.
You are married just one month ago and very few people are able to penetrate in first attempt.It takes multiple attempts in maximum cases.It is due to fear of pain in female partner and performance
anxiety in males.Pain apprehension in females lead to spasm of muscles and penetration is difficult.So,you should give time and attempt regularly by gaining confidence of your partner.
By long foreplay and proper
counselling of your partner about pain,penetration is possible.
It is true that obesity,alcohol consumption,heart problems etc are causative agents of erectile dysfunction besides psychological causes.
You may need to check various physical illnesses that may cause erectile dysfunction.
You may need investigations like routine hemogram,RBS,
Lipid profile,doppler of penile vessels.
Medicines should be started after screening of all conditions.
If there is any physical illness then it should be treated first.
Get well soon
Hope i have answered your query.
Further queries are most welcome.
Take Care