Penis Got Ruptured During Intercourse. Noticed Blood From Penis Hole. Should I Seek Medical Attention?
1. Do I need medical attention right away?
2. Did the corpus cavernosum or corpus spongiosum get ruptured?
3. Will the rupture heal and how long will it take?
4. If I urine, will blood start spilling again?
Appreciate your quick response. Thanks.
You need to go to Hospital immediately.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.Based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have sustained injury to your penis during intercourse.and have bleeding per urethra suggesting injury to urethra.
I shall be happy if you can post me few more details to help me to make comments on your problem.
1) Do you have swelling of the penis?
2) Do you have bruising of the penile skin.?
Please go to hospital immediately for clinical examination and get Ultrasound scanning of the Penis done to rule out fracture of the penis (Injury to corpora Cavernosa ) and urethra .
If corpora Cavernosa is ruptured it will not heal up as a primary healing and has to be sutured immediately.
However if there is no injury to Corpora Cavernosa and only the urethra is injured you can observe and expect healing within a week.
If Corpora Cavernosa is not injured as confirmed on ultrasound scanning Please take broad spectrum antibiotics along with anti inflammatory medication like Diclofenac twice daily .
Get the prescription of medicines from your family Physician.
Ensure to drink more water.To keep your urine dilute
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any more questions please feel free to ask me I shall be happy to help you .
Thanks and Regards.
Dr.Patil. .