Penis Pain After Pooping Or Ejaculating, Penis Secretion, Rectal Pain, Taken Doxycycline, Negative STD Test
I am 25 years old, 6'3'', 200 lbs. I have had a recurring pain in my penis for the last 5 years. My Doctors have all thought it's some sort of STD before testing, like chlamydia, but all tests have been negative. The tests always come back negative, but I have high white blood cell counts often. I have been treated with doxycline on occasion and this generally helps the conditions. My main condition is pain in the penis, but I also have occasional pain in the rectum. The pain in the penis can also be caused by the act of pooping or after ejaculating. Do you have any idea what this could be? i sometimes have issues with feeling like I have to urinate frequently, but don't really have to. After a lot more research, I am thinking possibly prostatitis, but I don't know. I've seen many physicians and no one has given me a conclusive answer. It could be anything. Please let me know if you have any questions and I will be sure to answer them.
I would like to add one more symptom, I also have noticed that I strangely secrete something out of my penis a lot of times whenever I do pass a stool. It sort of comes out right after, and I am not sure what the substance is, but it looks like some sort of mucus or cum.
Thanks for any help.
Thank you for the query.
You seem to be suffering from chronic non bacterial prostatitis. The best next step is an expressed prostatic secrections culture and senstivity. A prostate massage from the rectum can give out the pro static secretions collected from the penis. We will know if it is inflammatory in origin or non inflammatory.
You should see urologist for digital rectal examination and get treated with prolonged course of doxycycline and alpha blocker for about 3 months.
Chronic Prostatitis (Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome) is known to cause rectal pain and pain of the penis after ejaculation. The ejaculate contains part of the secretions from the prostate which irritates the large pain plexus around the prostate and thus causing these agonizing symptoms.
Here I wish to tell you the following most important points
1) You should consider good pain killer medications from the doctor. Sitz baths and peri anal massages help along with these pain killers.
2) Do not indulge in polygamous relationship
3) Stress is another contributing factor
Hope this answers your query.