Persistent Itching In The Urinary Meatus Area. How To Manage It?
Thanks for the query.
Do you have burning sensation on passing urine ?
Have you been using new pair of underwear lately ?
Any change in the detergent to wash your clothes recently ?
Do you find blood in the urine ?
Any itching in the vagina and is there any vaginal discharge since recently ?
Are you a diabetic ? Any incontinence of urine ?
There could be many causes for this problem. Most commonly itching at the urinary meatus for women could be due to spread of infection from the vagina because urethra and vagina are very close to each other anatomically.
Other causes could be allergy to new underwear or new detergent which is used to wash clothes. If it is none of these, the cause could be simple dehydration.
It would be wise to consume 2-3 litres of water a day. If you have burning sensation on passing urine, you can also take 2 table spoons full of Potassium citrate syrup which will alkalinize the urine and relieve the pain and burning sensation. Also eat plenty of fresh fruits and XXXXXXX leafy vegetables as they also do a good job of alkalinizing the urine.
You may apply mild corticosteroid ointment at the itchy site as this will do a good job in calming the itch as well.
You can try this solution for a few days but if there is no relief you may need to consult a Gynecologist to rule out possible vaginal infection and also a Urologist to test your urine and look for presence of infection or allergy.
I hope I have answered your query. I will be available to answer your follow up queries.
Wishing speedy recovery.