Post Menopausal Period. Had Hysterectomy. Started Having Dry Cough After Surgery. Took Codeine. Should I Take Antibiotics?
Seem to have contracted pneumonia after surgery
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your query.
Your symptoms point towards post hysterectomy commonly occurs due to the inhalation of anaesthesia gases and also due to any infection picked up from the hospital surroundings.
It is seen in roughly about 1% of the patients undergoing hysterectomy.
I would advise you to get-
1.a sputum culture
2.chest X-ray
3.blood work
all of the above done.this will help us to pinpoint the cause- whether it is bacterial or viral in origin.
It will also give us a note of the range to which infection has spread.
The treatment for it includes-
1. general rest
2. A course of antibiotics
3. lots of fluids
4. simple analgesics
-For bacterial pneumonia azithromycin or erythromycin is generally used
-For hospital acquired pneumonia generally
Carbepenams, amino glycosides and vancomycin are used.
You can consult your doctor regarding these. He/she may even suggest you to take these by the IV route for faster action.a blood culture would help us know if your present set of antibiotics are active against your infection or not.
Antibiotics induce a speedy recovery and cut down the infection time,hence completing the course is necessary.stopping it midway an cause relapse of the infection.
Generally the X-ray and blood reports show improvements within a week of antibiotic usage.
Many nursing homes offer booklets on breathing exercises for prevention and management of such post op respiratory diseases. You can ask your nursing home for one
Along with this I would advise you to stay away from polluted areas or any other places that may worsen your allergies.
Mycoplasma pneumonia is a concern as you feel your antibiotics aren't showing the desire response but an explanation can be that it can also be viral pneumonia as antibiotics fail to act in viral cases.
If possible please try to get an anti-pneumonia shot after the illness is over,this will prevent any such situations in the future.
The condition though not critical definitely requires monitoring,hence kindly consult with your GP for the tests.
Thank you for your query,
Wishing you good health
You can contact me for any further queries.