Pregnant. What Does Gravid Anteverted Uterus With An Irregular Marginated Gestational Sac Mean?
I'm supposed to be 7 wks and 4 days but no visible cardiac activity was seen on Uss. Also the uss report says the cervix contains clots of blood in the lower uterine segment and vagina and os is open
Thanks for posting your query.
Normally by about 7 weeks the cardiac activity should be seen no ultrasound done abdominally and one week earlier when done transvaginally. At times in case of late conception or deficiency of hormones it may be seen late.
Irregular margins of sac means there is evidence of hormonal deficiency and there are chances of its compromised viability.
Presence of clots in cervix is indicating of some internal bleeding which is not a good sign.
You should seek medical attention immediately. At times such cases do require close care and indoor treatment. At times supplementation in forms of tablets or injection are advised.
Please do not ignore this and seek medical attention.Again as you have history of miscarriage you can not afford to ignore this.
I hope this helps.
Good to hear from you again.
Sorry for not giving that explanation. Gravid uterus means: uterus having product of pregnancy inside and antiverted is just mentioning its position.
It is good that you are under close observation.
As written earlier there are chances of pregnancy loss if due caution in not exercised. What ever has been given to you by your doctor is fine and please continue it and follow advice given by your doctor.
Wishing you good health and all the best for the time to come.