Pregnant, Anaemic, Low BP And Back Pain. We Should Opt For Normal Delivery Or Surgical Method?
Its not possible to say what mode of delivery should be conducted. Only her doctor upon examination of the patient can declare so. The problems you have mentioned are all minor and are not reasons for a surgical delivery. Unless there is any obstetric contraindication,there is no reason why there surgery should be done. However, i stress, that circumstances at that point are important. If the doctor feels there is any distress to mother or fetus, surgery might be recommended. Anemia,low BP pain etc are all common problems at this advanced stage of pregnancy. They can be managed. Normal delivery can be a long process but recovery time is faster than surgical delivery.Of course,with any kind of surgery,some complications may occur like infection,blood loss etc. Nowadays these problems are less commonly seen. Surgical delivery is commonly done throughout the world and nothing to worry about.