Pregnant,spotting,pelvic Rest,mucous,blood.Miscarriage?
Ok... So last friday at work I started spotting. It wasn't heavy.. At first just when I wiped. Very little in the toilet. It wasn't each time I went to the bathroom. As the day progressed it died down... And stopped by end of day... Dr said pelvic rest, so I did. Saturday no spotting... Thought I was safe... This morning still no spotting.. started cleaning and doing stuff.... Moved she couch just a couple inches... About an hour later, go to the bathroom and I was spotting again... A little heavier than friday.. Small tinges of dark mucusy blood in with pink blood.. This happened only once (with the dark mucusy blood).. Then maybe two times of pink blood when I wiped... That only lasted a little while, now no more spotting... I don't understand what is going on... Any thoughts.?? Please ask any questions necessary.. (this is my 3rd kids, but my youngest is 9 years old so I haven't had a kids in a while. Had one miscarriage last year.) I'm scared and confused with what is going on.. Need feedback please!
Thanks for your query.
It is called threatened abortion means there is a danger of miscarriage.
You should get your ultrasound done.
It will show the gestational sac and cardiac activity since it is your 9th week of pregnancy.
There can be subchorionic collection with cardiac activity present or there can be a irregular or empty gestational sac without cardiac activity which is called missed abortion.
In rare cases it can be an ectopic pregnancy but chances of ectopic in your case are less as you are not having pain and you already have two children means you have not taken any treatment of infertility.
Take strict bed rest.
Folic acid supplements , progesterone , isoxsuprine hydrochloride are given if it is threatened abortion.
Get your haemoglobin done.
Hope i have answered your query. I will be available for follow up.