Prescribed With Dexit And Ciplar For Stress And Depression. How To Stop The Medication?
It is really a big task and becomes problematic to totally stop these drugs as it may result in rebound increase of symptoms however one can achieve the withdrawal by displaying strong mental framework and confidence
Start taking half the medicines daily
Start a very regular regime of aerobic exercises
Stop taking alcohol,smoking etc
Avoid fast foods
Take fresh fruits and vegetables
Do yoga and pranayama
Do it for few weeks and once you are established on this dose you go ahead and reduce the dose further. I strongly recommend a regular follow up with your treating physician during this withdrawal period.
Gradually you will be able to come out of it but you have to display strong will power to do it.
I hope to have answered your query however you can revert to me for any further query.
Thanks and best of luck.
There is no heart related risk but as I wrote earlier,any abrupt withdrawal may cause rebound of your anxiety and stress symptoms and that's why I am asking you to withdraw the drugs gradually.
Mat important part of withdrawal is starting a good exercise regime as exercises result in mood elevation since it releases endorphins,which are feel good hormones.
Thanks again.
As I told you earlier,you have to start a regime of exercises.Decide yourself,what type of exercises you like more.Few people like joining Gym while many people liike brisk walk or jogging outdoors.
I can't give you a chart as it has to be decided by you according to your work schedule.
I have explained you earlier to avoid alcohol,smoking,fast food etc while taking fresh fruits and XXXXXXX vegetables more.
Further I would like to stress upon is that you must go for withdrawal of your medicines in phased manner and your doctor must be consulted for this and whenever you feel that your symptoms have aggravated,consult your doctor.