Pressure In Throat, Desire To Burp, Gagging Sensation.
Thanks for the query.
You are a hypertensive with increased lipids and prone to anxiety attacks and have been getting symptoms that seem like GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease) - acid coming up through the gullet into the throat and causing irritation, cough, gagging, burping and even nausea.
You are already on prilosec which is useful in treating such conditions. You may consider doubling the dose of it for a week after discussing with your prescribing doctor. This might help your symptoms to settle down.
I also wish you are exercising regularly-which definitely helps. In addition, the following lifestyle chages will be useful in relieving your symptoms
Raise your head-end of the bed
Do not eat a heavy meal at bedtime.
Avoid colas, coffee, smoking, garlic and alcohol.
Avoid tight clothing at all times.
If the symptoms do not settle down in a week, I encourage you to consult your doctor for detailed examination and evaluation.
Hope my answer helps you. Should you have any other concerns; I will be available to address them. Please accept this answer if you do not have any other queries.