Purple Spot On The Side Of The Crown Of Penis. Should I Be Worried?
The center of the spot seems to be my normal skin color.
Its just a frictional injury and is recoverable ..
Detailed Answer:
Dear Friend...
Thanks for your query to Healthcare Magic..
Your Problem is usual for most of men due to frictional injury....
A oval shaped purple spot in penis that is not causing pain or itching sensation without any discharge is most likely to be a mild trauma that would have occurred due to constant friction / forceful act of masturbation or any other sexual episode.
A trauma due to any coarse cloth, zipper of the pant or scratching during the night (in sleep) can
also present as a similar picture.
A STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) of any kind will have some symptom like pain, itching, discharge etc, There is nothing to be scared to death as colour starts to lighten as normal colour , Sometimes colour can be tured to dark brown and is nothing to be worried off in future.
The glans skin is too sensitive to bear even the slightest of trauma and when affected takes long to come back to normal.
This doesn’t seem to be anything significant and you can just apply any moisturiser to keep the area soft .
Hope this information is helpful. Thanks & Take Care.....
Dr.J.Kingson John David.