Racing Heart Rate,normal Ecg,normal Blood Work,normal Sinus
Rate: 77b/min
PR 152 MS
QT 400 MS
QTc 453
P 47 deg
QRS 11 deg
T 45 deg
Blood: CK-MB .3-.5 NG/ML cTnI <.01ng/ml, NA+ 142mmol/l BUN 17 mg/dl, MG 1.9 mg/dl,
Thanks you for your query.
It looks to me from the data you have provided that you have a perfectly normal ecg.
Sometimes the computer will pick up very subtle things like this R wave progression but to me again this is not concerning.
Your rate is excellent and I see no evidence of risk for arrythmia or electrical evidence of structural abnormalities of the heart.
It looks also like the blood test they did had good results as well.
I assume also that your potassium was within normal limits.
Your cardiac enzymes are also normal.
All of these results are very reassuring in my opinion.
I suspect you may have been dealing with something related to the panic disorder.
Please avoid exposure to any kind of stimulant or depressant such as caffeine or alcohol. Both of which can sometimes trigger a sensation of abnormal heart beats.
Everything looks good here and I thank you again for submitting your question.
Should you have any additional concerns related to this issue. I would be happy to address them.
Thanks and regards.
Dr. Galamaga