Received Tdap Vaccine. Spot Started Swelling, Warm To Touch, Having Headache. Should I Be Concerned?
Thanks for writing in.
TDaP vaccine is known to cause redness at the injection site, fever and soreness. these effects generally start 1-3 days after the vaccine. These usually last for a few days only and would generally go away on their own.
Given your current symptoms, I think you need not be concerned. These side effects can be managed by taking Tablet Tylenol 600 mg as and when needed with food ( upto 4 tablets daily). However, if the injection site is an angry red colour, extremely painful to touch and you can feel a lump or mass at that site, we may be dealing with an abscess. It would be better in this case to see your physician.
In all probability, you should be fine in a couple of days.
Hope this helps
Let me know if I can address any more concerns