Recently Facing Problem Of Forgetting Things At Work. What Could Be The Cause?
If you tend to forget only at work and were remembering better at home, we need to dig into the factors.
Most likely and commonly found are the work pressure. If you have multiple things at hand to work on and you have to reason to postpone you would forget them at a later date. Are you able to complete the important things? Do you forget them as well?
I suggest you to take an online memory test. IF you have time you can XXXXXXX a Psychologist/Psychiatrist who can test on you. That reveals the details of what kind of works do you forget.
Remedies appear complex but they are simple when followed for a week.
1) Using Google Calender or Phone Notifications
2) Assigning subordinates to remind you if it is a team task.
3) Two by Two method (very famous). Give yourself 15 minutes before you start your work after you reach office. On your book, write down all the things to be done for the day. Assign which is important and urgent, Unimportant and urgent, Important and non urgent and Unimportant and Non urgent. This is a time management technique.
Try these. They surely work.
I am thinking this would be work pressure since I am a manager and have multiple projects to handle. I am using google calender, planner etc., but in meeting I sometimes forget the past things about the project which have been discussed before.
This was not the case before. Are there any memory enhancement medicines which may help. I know it is foolish to take such medicines since it would be having impact on my kidneys later but loosing touch of this minor things is becoming an embarrassment for me.
And most important this things are happening lately to me.
Hope you maintain minutes of meeting circular. If not introduce in your team, this is really good. When you are going to have another meeting on the same project please read through your note pad and the MOM circular.
Regarding the medications, there is nothing recommended in allopathic form of medicine. I am not sure about the hugely advertised herbal/ayurvedic medicines. However some well studied articles says about Gingko Biloba, Phosphatidylserine, Ginseng. Brahmi is well known to enhance memory in children in India.
Hope this helps.