Recovering From Viral Gastroenteritis, Dark Urine, Yellow Stool. Normal Blood Test. What Is The Reason For These Symptoms?
I understand your concern and will try to help you.
Normally the color of urine depends upon the amount of water intake by a person.
It tends to get darker in color if the intake is less or in summers because of sweating and perspiration.
Most likely your color of urine and pale color of stool is because of after effects of viral gastroenteritis you had and it should resolve in next couple of days with resumption of normal food and day to day activity.
However if you have had a concomitant infection with hepatitis virus,your symptoms of dark urine and pale stool will increase and also you will have other symptoms of hepatitis like nausea,vomiting,loss of appetite,abdominal cramps etc.
You should wait and watch for few days more however if your symptoms worsen or don't become normal,get your liver function tests done and consult the doctor.
I hope to have answered your query,however you can revert to mr for any other query.
Thanks and best of luck.
Thanks for your response.
This morning after I read your message I went to the bathroom and noticed that the stool was getting back to normal color. I also have urinated a couple of times and the color was normal as well.
I think that it is safe to conclude at this point that in light that I am not experiencing any of the symptoms you mentioned before and that my urine and stool are getting back to normal the reason for the symptoms I contacted you are due to after effects of the virosis. Am I correct?
It s good that every thing is getting normal and definitely it was after effect of viral infection.