Recurring Sinus Infection, Nausea, Depression, Hunger Pangs. Treatment ?

I can appreciate that you are very concerned regarding the symptoms which you have noticed recently. I will try to provide you with some good information and recommendations regarding what is going on as well.
First of all we would like to consider what is going on in several different viewpoints. First of all we certainly need to consider a metabolic factor. This could certainly explain some of your symptoms. In addition we should also consider the possibility that there may be a psychiatric factor which could be exacerbating this.
The first thing I would like to know from you is whether or not there is any family history of any metabolic problems. This would include diabetes or disorder. If there is something in your family history. We may be able to connect it to some of the symptoms you may have been experiencing.
Another consideration which comes to mind right away with the symptoms you describe is the possibility that your blood sugar maybe fluctuating. When the blood sugar is quite elevated it can create many different symptoms including weight loss increasing appetite as well as increased thirst.
Another consideration would be a possible dysfunction of your thyroid gland. If your thyroid gland is overactive it could certainly evolved into symptoms similar to those which you are experiencing. This would best be evaluated with a simple blood test.
Another thought is that you may be starting to exhibit some signs of a bipolar disorder. Specifically your symptoms may reflect a manic type episode. This tends to manifest with increases in energy, pressured speech, flight of ideas, possibly weight loss and decreased need for sleep.
With everything you have described I recommend you make an appointment for a thorough consultation and examination by a general physician who may consider checking some blood tests to rule out any metabolic factors in your case. Let me reassure you that a good physician will be able to help you get to the bottom of this and then implement some solutions.
I thank you again for submitting your query. I hope you found my answer to be both adequate and helpful. If there are additional concerns regarding this query I would be happy to address them.
Dr. Galamaga.

Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to answer me and being willing to provide information to people you haven't even met. I appreciate that it can't be an easy trying to give people an idea of what is going on with them when you have never seen the person face to face.
As far as my family history goes; no one has been diagnosed with anthing you mentioned previously. I do have family members; however, that have been diagnosed as lactose intolerant. My mother and one of my brothers specifically. This is something that I have been tested for previously and was negative for. I highly doubt that has changed as I dont have pain, cramping, or bloating like they do when they have an episode.
Also, I remember when I was younger and still living at home my mother would have these terrible "attacks" where she would be stuck sitting on the toilet in pain. When she finished the movement, all of the symptoms resided.
Something else that I thought I'd mention is that I seem to swet way more than other people, and under very little physical strain. Sometimes its what I would describe as a hot flash, because I'll just break out into a swet sitting at my computer or watching TV. Then after I finish a workout I look like I've just been soaked with a firehose. This; however, has been going on as long as I can remember; same thing with the sinus infections and these bags under my eyes. I also dont do well at all with cold. I dont mind a cool breeze, but when the weather gets cold (I'm talking 56 degress outside) my whole body hurts.
I forgot to mention last time that when I noticed the change last week, I also noticed alot of the symptoms of my gastroparesis were gone seemingly overnight. Primarily was the return of my appetite in a big way, and also I didn't feel full after just a couple of bites. I didn't feel full hours after eating a meal either. Holding food down has been hard though as I'm still getting bouts of intense nausea. At this point I'll keep the nausea if someone can just do something about this insatiable hunger...
Again I can't emphasize enough the importance of obtaining a comprehensive laboratory workup including CBC metabolic panel, thyroid function analysis and possibly some imaging studies. Beyond that a discussion with a trained gastroenterilogist is indicated as well.
This may involve an investment of time, energy and money BUT I think the potential payoff of arriving at a better mental an physical health status is real and worthwhile. You are right - it is challenging to do this in the absence of being able to lay eyes and hands on you.
I am confident in the midst of all this that you will ultimately find a better health for yourself in the future. Again I thank you for your query and hope my response has been helpful.
If you have any additional concerns at all I remain available to address them.
Dr. Galamaga

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