Repeated Blood Test Showed Different Myelocytes Level. Should I Be Worried?
We repeat the test and after two days the level was 1.3
what does it mean ?
Thank you
Thanks for the query.
Myelocytes are neutrophils ( white blood cells) at an intermediate stage of differentiation.
We do not normally see these in the peripheral blood smear, but finding one as an isolated anomaly in an otherwise healthy young person does not mean there must be a malignancy .
Neutrophilic myelocytes are commonly seen in acute infections and in conditions affecting the environment of the red bone marrow. Neutrophil precursors (e.g., promyelocytes, myelocytes, and metamyelocytes) >10% of white blood cells should be investigated.
Your level of myelocytes are insignificant and can be ignored however,you may keep a watch on them by getting repeat tests
I hope it helps however you may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck