Severe Pinching Sensation In Chest And Burning Sensation All Over Body. Stress Test And Ekg Normal
It would be important to actually get a clear meaning of the pinching sensation.
Is it a pain that you feel?
Is it a sensation of chest tightness?
Do you feel as you cannot breathe?
When did you start experiencing all these?
Do you know of any triggers of this sensation? Any calming factors?
What are the symptoms that usually accompany this pinching sensation?
Any family history of such symptoms?
What is the effect of effort or exertion on this sensation?
Any notion of coughing, wheezing, lower limb swelling?
These questions might be very useful to your doctor to have a clear cut direction with respect to possible origin of these sensations.
The causes could be of chest or thoracic origin, and also out of the chest.
Your past history of diabetes and hypertension will orient towards a cardiovascular origin. I suggest this must have been the idea of your doctor that led to the prescription of numerous EKGs. However, doing a chest X XXXXXXX to appreciate the size of the heart and a cardiac ultrasound might add some diagnostic value to the possible cause. Ischemia heart disease is an important diagnostic possibility.
Lung disease cannot be excluded. If the pinching sensation refers to tightness, then the possibility of asthma should be considered.
Doing a PH test for esophagal reflux disease, a manometry at the lower esophagal sphincter and an endoscopic evaluation, to ascertain severity of reflux might be very useful. It is not unusual for reflux disease, to present its self which chest discomfort symptoms.
I suggest you nook an appointment with your internist for a proper clinical evaluation and management.
Feel free asking any further questions if need be. Wishing you good health.
Dr Luchuo, MD.