Sexual Intercourse, Squeezing Sensation In Heart, Gas Trapped In Chest, Chest Discomfort
Thanks for the query.
A squeezing sensation in the heart could mean many things.
Since you have a history of asthma and allergy, it could be related to the breathing difficulties. The air passages constrict causing a chest discomfort.
Secondly I would think of an underlying circulatory problem in your heart vessels,going by the history of hypertension.This squeezing sensation may hint towards an " angina", a band like constriction over the chest due to occluded blood vessels.
The other possibilities could be a generalized chest discomfort after a heavy meal or a gastric reflux.
I suggest you to see a CARDIOLOGIST for an examination. Investigations like 2D ECHO, Lipid profile test, complete blood count and ECG will be helpful.
Hope this answers your query