Sharp Pain In Head. No Relief From Nurofen. Will It Be Cured On Its Own?
Did you have such pain before? It can be caused by many things but most of them are benign and you shouldnt worry.
Such pain that you are describing is a sign of migraine attack or trigeminal/facial neuralgia. It is caused by neuropathic mechanism so this is reason why classic analgetics wont be helpful. Usually some trauma, wind, cold weather or stress can trigger such neuralgias, but often there is no particular cause.
Second thing to consider is Ear Infection if you feel deeper pain.
You can have rest and treat it at home. Rest in a dark room, avoid noise,stress and cold water. Pain should stop in a few hours. BUT remember if you feel nausea, have tingling sensation in arms or legs or having vertigo or having muscle weakness the go to hospital as soon as you can.
Wish you good health.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help