Shortness Of Breath, Rapid Heartbeat, Dizziness, Ringing In Ears. POTS Symptoms ?
Thanks for the query.
Though most of your symptoms fit into POTS, it doesnt explain your shortness of breath. You need to have cardiac evaluation that should initially include ECG, Chest X-ray and Echocardiogram. Because sometime LV dysfuntion can exp[lain all the symptoms you have. If these are normal than I recommend that you should under go Tilt Table Test otherwise called Head Up Tilt test.
Entire spectrum of your symptoms can not explained by or attributable to Emphysema. If your father had familial variant of the emphysema then only you need to worry. If its secondary to his secondary to smoking habit you don't have to worried. Any way if in doubt the Chest X XXXXXXX and pulmonary function should be able to help.
Thanks and please let me know if you have more queries.