Should I Take Folic Acid Tablets When Trying To Get Pregnant?
Thanks for posting your query.
The name of folic acid tablets is Tablet Folvite. It is usually taken one tablet daily starting before conception till atleast first half of pregnancy.
These are given for wellbeing of baby and preventing any neurological defects in fetus. However it does not increase the chances of conception.
For increasing the chances of pregnancy, have a normal balanced diet, practice regular physical exercise, maintain your weight in ideal limits, increase sexual activity during the time of ovulation, etc. Folic acid and other multivitamin supplements may be taken as well.
But if there is any gynecological problem like irregular menses or hormonal imbalance, then please consult a gynecologist for detailed evaluation.
Hope I have answered your query. Please accept my answer if you do not have any further queries.
Thanks for posting your query.
There are many multivitamins which are good but they should be taken only if prescribed by your doctor.
Usual dosage is once daily. The brands are many like A to Z, Revital women etc. You can consult your doctor to get it prescribed, if you want to use it.
Hope I have answered your query. Please accept my reply if you have no further queries.
Wish you good health.