Sinus Infection In Respiratory Tract, On Antibiotics, Recurring Symptoms. Treatment ?
Generally at this point I am thinking that you may be dealing with an inflammatory process rather than purely an infectious issue.
When this is the case we often need to move outside the realm of antibiotics and consider ancillary medications which can profoundly improve the way you feel and help lead to a good resolution of the symptoms. The inflammatory process can be post-infectious or it could be due to some continued exposure to allergens such as dust, animal hair or dander or other irritants. In our case if there is no obvious environmental irritants I would consider a few different medications which may help.
The first medication which I would consider is fluticasone nasal spray. This is a topical remedy which takes 10 to 14 days to get to a therapeutic level but can generally make a significant impact on resolving symptoms and promoting relief. In addition I would consider a tapering course of prednisone which is an anti-inflammatory which helps reduce swelling in the nasal and sinus passageways as well as the chest. This medication is very safe and I would recommend a 10 to 12 day course. Lastly, an inhaler such as combivent may be used to help decrease airway spasm and cough.
Any of these or a combination of them would provide benefit for you in my opinion. You might consider talking to your doctor about this and he may be able to expand on these thoughts and or provide a prescription.
Thanks again for the query. I hope my response has served to be helpful and informative. If you have any additional concerns I would be happy to address them.
Dr. Galamaga
Let me reassure you that it is highly highly unlikely that you have some kind of cancer causing any of your symptoms. What you are dealing with is more a concentration of allergy and inflammation which has caused the varied symptoms you have reported.
As for the bleeding in the nasal passageways this is extremely common as well and not a cuse for immediate concern. The most likely contributing factor to this is lack of humidity in the air as well as the frequent nasal drainage and nose blowing that goes along with this. I know you have not had this happen before but please find some comfort in my assurance that this is a common thing that goes along with allergic and inflammatory responses in the nasal and sinus passageways.
Seeing the ENT is fine and I am sure he will also provide you with the same reassurance.
Thanks again for the query. I hope you found my response to be helpful and informative. If you have any additional concerns I would be happy to adress them.
Dr. Galamaga
Don't feel bad about visiting the doctor. We train to help people in need and this happens to be a time when you are in some need.
The vein or vessel that you feel is more prominent right now because of the infection and inflammation. We have tiny blood vessels which run over every inch of our body and you are feeling one now in your lip. You are corret that if you press on this it may become more inflamed so do your best to let it be for now.
Focus on relaxing, resting and allowing your immune system to focus on restoring good health and homeostasis. I am sure you will get there - just a bit more time and it will come.
Thanks again for the query and followups. Please let me know if I may be of any additional help.
Dr. Galamaga