Skin Rashes, Contact Dermatitis, Taken Hydrocortisone Cream And Ketaconazole, Applied Olive Oil, Reduce Redness. Cure?
Thanks for the query.
If there is any irritation to the skin, itching, eruptions, etc on the skin of the face then allergic / contact dermatitis could be the cause here. In such a case, removal of the irritant will heal the dermatitis and the symptoms will improve.
You can continue washing your face with only water and keep it dry as possible.
However, there may be some skin changes that sometimes occur only in pregnancy. There may be some specific or non-specific rashes that appear in pregnancy. Now the important point here is to diagnose whether the rash is pregnancy related or not.
I suggest that you wait 4-6 days and if the symptoms dont improve, see a dermatologist to confirm if this is pregnancy related or not.
If your symptoms do improve, then there's nothing to worry about.
Skin sensitivity is increased at this time, so be careful of what you use.
Hope my answers are both adequate and informative. Should you have any more concerns, I will be available to address them as well.