Sleeplessness, Sleep Apnea, CPAP, On Cymbalta, Wellbutrin, Zoloft. Treatment?
Thanks for writing to us.
Recent surgery that too due to cancer and chronic diseases like sleep apnea are big enough stress factors to cause insomnia and as you are already suffering from insomnia this problem has got further precipitated.
Your doctor is very right in pointing out that any kind of hormonal therapy will not be good for you.You can try these simple measures to help you fall asleep-
1.Practice relaxation exercises like yoga, breathing exercises.
2. Take the milk of XXXXXXX seeds at night before going to bed.
3.Indulge yourself in mild exercise during the day.
4.Stick to a regular sleeping schedule.
5. Try hot foot bath before going to sleep.
6. Decrease intake of tea and coffee specially do not take caffeine after 4.00 PM
I hope you have found my answer and recommendations to be both adequate and helpful.
Should you have additional questions I am available to address them.