Small Skin Coloured Zit In The Bottom Of Lip. Tried To Pop And Has Turned Red. What Else Could It Be?
Apply antiboitic cream like t bact.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to health care magic.
The lesion as seen in present photograph is infected.
This is most probably due to squeezing of the lesion.
You can just apply a simple antibiotic cream like t bact or fucidin cream over the lesion two times daily.This will dry up the lesion.
Original skin colored lesion without itching or burning most probably points towards molluscum.
It is a viral infection.
It has got a small central molluscum body which has to be removed for getting complete cure.This can be done with electrocautery or by mannual extraction with currete.
Do not try to remove or squeeze the lesion at home.It will be better to consult a dermatologist for this.
In summary I will advise you to apply antibiotic cream for 4 to 5 days and watch for progression of lesion.
In case the lesion appears then it will be better to consult a dermatologist.
Hope this will help you.In case of any concerns I will be happy to help you.Take care.
Are you saying I should apply the antibiotic cream to hit anyway, in case it comes back?
Consult to doctor if bump comes back.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up.
In case if bump comes back you need to consult the doctor.Antibiotic cream needs to be applied at this stage for faster healing.In any case do not try to squeeze the lesion if it comes back.
Hope this will help you.Take care.