Started Vomiting, Headache, Dizziness And Body Pain. Blood Work Done. Took Medicine. What To Do?
Thanks for writing in.
Your symptoms definitely do mandate a more rigorous evaluation. We could be looking at several things and we would need to run some tests to rule out these conditions.
Firstly, you will need a clinical examination and urine analysis to rule out pyelonephritis where people have typically the same symptoms as you do). A viral syndrome can also present with such symptomatology and usually resolves in 3 to 5 days. Low potassium is due to the vomiting. Sepsis is a possibility and you will require proper hydration and antibiotics for the same.
In view of the extreme nausea and such severe symptoms, its advisable that you go to the ER. You would need intravenous hydration and proper blood work, Liver functions, urine analysis and USG abdomen.
Hope this clarifies your concerns.
Please get back if you need any further information.
Dr Kiran