Stomach Gurgling, Nausea, Burning Sensation In Abdomen, Weakness, Soft Stools. What Should I Do Now?
Thanks for writing in.
Pregnancy causes a variety of hormonal changes which influence every organ system of the body. This ranges from dilatation or opening up of sphincters to slowing of motility of the organs. This is typically seen in your case. You have GERD where the sphincter is lax and is allowing reflux. The gall bladder was also slow. Actually it need not have been removed as there were no stones. With time it usually regains its function as the hormonal influence wears off.
All your investigation reports are nornal.
I would suggest the following.
1. Plenty of oral fluid intake.
2. plenty of fresh fruit XXXXXXX in vitamin C.
3. Milk and calcium supplements.
4. A wholesome and complete diet.
5. regular exercise to improve body function.
The above mentioned will help to improve the circulation and will relieve you of anxiety as well as prevent depression.
The following food additives will be helpful.
1. multi vitamin predominantly vit C and vit B complex.
2. calciun and iron supplements.
3. liver tonics containing ornithine which will improve your apetite.
For the ocassional burning sensation you can take sucralfate 1 tsf after meals.
I hope my advice helps you in relieving your symptoms.
With regards